What to Know About Halloween Colored Contacts

Colored contacts are a common sight during Halloween. They can help to take any costume to a new level. Unfortunately, contrary to what most people believe, colored contacts are not always harmless fun. 


The lenses are not always safe, so we urge people to wear them with caution. Any device that is placed directly on the eye surface has the potential to cause infection or injury that can result in vision loss. 


Costume Contact Lenses


There are many types of contact lenses. While most types help with vision correction, some people get contacts for cosmetic reasons. Colored contact lenses can change an individual’s eye color, helping to alter the overall appearance. If you want to wear costume or colored contact lenses safely, ensure you get a prescription from a qualified eye doctor. Adding decorative lenses to Halloween costumes is a popular trend, but there are potential risks. 


Wearing Halloween Contacts 


When it comes to Halloween contacts, the possibilities are endless. The colored contacts can help you look like a cat, lizard, witch, or alien from another planet. The effect can be dramatic, creating the final touch to your scary look.


While the ocular drama can be fun, there are some dangers. Some colored contacts are safer than others. Some can cause discomfort, including irritation or itchiness, red eyes, dry eyes, and persistent discomfort. The lenses can also cause severe complications if not purchased from a trust-worthy place.


Using Contact Lenses Safely 


If you decide to wear colored contact lenses this Halloween, make sure you follow safety guidelines. When prescribed, maintained, and worn carefully, costume contact lenses can be safe. Many people order the lenses online without a prescription.


It can increase the risk of complications, such as scarring, blurry vision, infections, and vision loss. You must purchase the lenses from the right place and wear them correctly. Selling contact lenses without a prescription is illegal. However, many vendors continue to stock them. 


Prescription for Costume Contacts 


Wearing colored contact lenses can help to alter eye color or transform the appearance of the eyes. In some cases, colored lenses can help to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and myopia. 


In other cases, the lenses are unpowered and are for cosmetic purposes. Contact lenses are considered medical devices, whether they have power. The only way to wear the lenses legally is by getting a doctor’s prescription. Ordering them through your eye doctor will help to ensure you protect your vision and eye health.


Proper Contact Lens Fitting 


Each individual’s eyes have different dimensions. It means that stock or over-the-counter lenses will either be too tight or loose, regardless of the brand. A prescription gives precise eye measurements, ensuring a proper fit. 


Poor-fitting contacts can cause infections, cornea abrasions, or eye injuries. Colored lenses are usually thicker and less breathable. The pigments and paints used in the lenses can affect the amount of oxygen reaching the eyes. Having your eye doctor assess the lenses before you wear them will help to protect your ocular health. 


Colored contact lenses can cause symptoms, including pain, blurry vision, and difficulty during removal. Ensure you contact your eye doctor to determine if you are a suitable candidate for contact lenses. Buy lenses from the right source and avoid sharing your contacts. 


For more on what to know about Halloween colored contacts, visit Dr. Greg Wacasey at our office in Longview, Texas. Call (903) 403-2020 to book an appointment today. 

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