Eye on the Prize: Using Year-End Benefits to Enhance Your Vision

The benefits provided by your vision plan can help ensure you protect your eye health. Every insurance plan offers different coverage. You should understand what you have. If your plan has a “use-it-or-lose-it” clause, you should take care of your vision needs before the year ends. Scheduling your annual eye exams can help to ensure your vision and eye health are in great condition.


Enhancing Your Vision

Many would agree vision is the most precious of the five senses. Good vision is a gift that you should protect at all costs. It can make performing everyday tasks easy. You need to preserve and protect your vision every day. 

Consuming a nutritious diet and wearing protective eyewear are vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can use your vision benefits to get regular eye check-ups. Your eye doctor can provide tips on the best ways to protect your eye health.


Understand Your Benefits 

You need to understand how to apply your vision plan. Most plans cover eye exams, regular frames, prescription lenses, and other accessories. Some plans consider contact lenses an elective and do not cover their full cost. 

Others cover the cost of contact lens fitting, the lenses, and their accessories. Coverage varies for lens upgrades, coatings, anti-glare add-ons, and other features. Ensure you understand what your plan covers before shopping. 


Using Up Your FSA/HSA

Most funds do not roll over to the following year. You risk losing your hard-earned money if you fail to plan well for your eye care needs. You should use up the benefits you have saved before they expire. 

You can use your FSA funds for eyecare accessories, including cleaning products, eyeglass cases, cleaning sprays, and microfiber cloths. You can also use the funds for your supply of contacts, an extra pair of eyeglasses, or prescription sunglasses. 


A Comprehensive Eye Exam

Everyone needs regular eye exams, even if they have 20/20 vision. Annual exams allow doctors to check for vision and eye issues. Early detection of eye conditions is vital for effective treatment, as specific eye issues can lead to long-term vision complications. 

Today, most people spend hours looking at computers or using digital devices. It can lead to eye strain and other problems. During eye exams, doctors can check the inner and outer eyes using special equipment. Your vision plan can pay for a comprehensive exam.   


Protect Your Family’s Vision

Your vision insurance plan can help to pay for your family’s eye care expenses. Your company benefits package can help to ensure your spouse and children get the best vision care. The vision plan can pay for everything from eye exams to prescription lenses and other expenses. It can help to alleviate the financial burden associated with healthcare. 

If you have a flexible spending account, it can help to cover your out-of-pocket eye care costs. Planning will help to ensure you use your savings before they expire. If you have a savings plan that allows you to pay for health-related expenses, you can protect your eye health with it. Having money ready to pay for the expenses can help to prevent financial problems down the line. 

For more about using year-end benefits to enhance your vision, visit Dr. Greg Wacasey at our office in Longview, Texas. Call (903) 403-2020 to book an appointment today. 

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