Contact Lenses: Tips for Choosing and Wearing Contacts Safely

Contact lenses allow you to enjoy great vision without worrying about eyeglasses clouding your vision. Wearing contact lenses will let you see small visual details you have missed all this time. However, you should make the right choices to get the most out of the lenses. Your vision is valued, and you should ensure your eyes are healthy and comfortable.


Choosing Contact Lenses


To start wearing contacts, ensure you get the right lenses. There are numerous options, and making the right choice will ensure you get the best results. The first step in your journey is scheduling a contact lens exam. 

After a comprehensive eye exam, you will learn more about contact lenses and go through eye measurements. The optometrist will recommend the best lenses if you have special ocular or visual needs. 


Inserting Contact Lenses 


It is crucial to relax before putting in your contact lenses. During the fitting, you will receive instructions on how to insert and remove the lenses safely. Ensure your hands are clean before touching the lenses or your eyes. 

Relax, and do not worry that you might scratch your eye. Use two fingers to keep the upper and lower eyelids open as you put in the lens. Start with the same eye each time to avoid mixing the lenses. Remove your contact lenses before bed.


Removing Your Lenses


Before applying or taking out your contact lenses, always wash your hands. Avoid using heavily scented or oily soap, and thoroughly dry your hands with a lint-free towel before touching the lenses. Pull the lower lid down to take out the lenses, look up, and move the lens. 


After moving it to the eye white, use your thumb and index finger to lift it off the eye. For gas-permeable lenses, opening your eye wide and pulling the skin near the eye corner before blinking will dislodge the lens.


Keeping Lenses Clean


Keeping your contact lenses clean is vital for preventing infections and other eye conditions. When choosing cleaning products, you will receive instructions for your contact lens type. If you use a multipurpose lens solution, rub and rinse the lenses every time you remove them. 


Place the lenses in a fresh solution to store them overnight. After inserting the lenses in the morning, empty and rinse the lens case using a fresh solution. Replace the lens case regularly.


Prescribed Wearing Schedule


Make sure you follow the prescribed contact lens-wearing schedule. Avoid wearing them for longer than the recommended time. Replace the lenses as often as instructed and do not try to prolong their use, which can increase the risk of infection. 


There are various wear schedules to suit your needs. You can get daily disposable lenses if you do not want to worry about cleaning and storage. You can also get weekly, monthly, or long-term-wear lenses. Unless the contacts are prescribed for continuous wear, you should never sleep in them. 


Following your optometrist's recommendations will help ensure that you avoid eye issues. Avoid substituting lens care products without consulting the doctor. Care solutions are created for specific lens types. Ensure that you keep your follow-up appointments, and contact your doctor if you experience discomfort when wearing lenses. 


For tips on choosing and wearing contacts safely, call Dr. Greg Wacasey at (903) 403-2020 to reach our office in Longview, Texas. 

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