No matter what time of the year it is, your eyes need UV protection when you're outdoors. In the summer, people spend more time outside, so they more frequently need eye protection from eyewear. At Dr. Greg Wacasey, Therapeutic Optometrist in Longview, TX, we provide sunglasses to ensure that your eyes and vision stay protected all year.

Wearing Sunglasses 

Sunglasses are a lot more than just a fashion statement. They also offer your eyes UV protection. In the warmer months, people tend to be outside more. You may wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun, but don't forget eyewear. It can often make it easier to wear sunglasses if you get prescription sunglasses, so that you get the vision correction you need when you are wearing them. Sunglasses can keep your eyes from being damaged by the sun. When the eyes are subjected to the sun too much, you can develop problems like cataracts, as well as make existing vision problems worse. You can even sunburn your corneas with too much sun.

UV Protection

It's important for you to wear sunglasses every time you go outside, not just when you're spending a day outdoors. UV rays work cumulatively, so getting just a little bit of sun here and there will build up over time. When you have prescription sunglasses, it's no trouble at all to put them on before you go outside. If you wear contact lenses, it's easy to simply put on your sunglasses.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist in Longview, TX

If you need protective eyewear, we can help. At Dr. Greg Wacasey, Therapeutic Optometrist in Longview, TX, our eye doctor provides sunglasses to protect your vision. We will help you find the right pair. Sunglasses are a vital part of eye care. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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