What to Expect During a Contact Lens Exam

First-time contact lens wearers may wonder what to expect during a contact lens examination. Read on to learn more about the contact lens exam process to help you know what to expect at each stage.

Preliminary Eye Exam

Your eye doctor must ensure your eyes are healthy, allowing them to wear and support contact lenses. Thus, a preliminary eye exam is ideal as the first step of a contact lens exam. It may include various tests to examine your eye movements, visual acuity, and health.

Your eye specialist will measure how you can see objects at different distances through visual acuity tests. A refraction test will help determine the prescription strength you will need for the lenses. 

Your eye doctor will examine your eye structures—the lens, iris, and cornea—using a slit lamp test. They will check for signs of glaucoma by measuring the pressure in your eye through a tonometry test. Expect a few questions from your doctor about your medical history and the medications you may be taking. They will do so to identify potential issues or risks.

Determining Prescription

Your eye doctor will determine the right prescription after assessing your vision and eye health. Based on the preliminary examination information, they will calculate the curve, diameter, and contacts lens power. Your contact lens prescription will differ from your eyeglass prescription, making it vital to get an ideal fitting.

Contact Lens Fitting

Your eye doctor will do a contact lens fitting after determining your prescription. It will involve placing trial lenses on your eyes and checking the position and fit of the lenses. They will ensure the lenses provide clear vision and examine how they move with your eyes. Your eye doctor will also ensure the fit of the lenses is okay after you move your eye or blink. The lenses should stay in place despite the movement of the eye.

Vision and Comfort Assessment

After fitting the contact lenses, your eye doctor will assess your vision and comfort with the lenses on. They may ask you to read an eye chart or walk around the office to check if you can see well with the contact lenses. Expect your eye doctor to ask you if you feel any irritation or discomfort. They can adjust the prescription or fit if necessary to help you feel comfortable and have clear vision.

Training and Education

Your eye doctor will give you training and education if you are a new contact lens wearer. They will do so to help you learn how to wear and care for the lenses. It may include instructions on inserting and removing the contact lenses and cleaning and storing them. They will also guide you on what to do if any issue arises. Your eye specialist can give you a trial period for wearing the contacts before you commit to making a purchase.

Follow-up Examinations

Your eye doctor will schedule a follow-up examination after you start wearing contacts. They will do so to ensure the lenses work well for you. They will also monitor your eye health. It may include checking the prescription and fit of the contact lenses and assessing your vision and comfort. Your doctor will address any issues or concerns you may have.

Follow-up examinations are ideal annually. However, your eye specialist may recommend frequent ones if you experience problems with your contact lenses or if you have an underlying eye condition.

For more about the contact lens exam, visit Dr. Greg Wacasey at our office in Longview, Texas. Call (903) 403-2020 to book an appointment today.

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